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AUGE renews the hope of people, so that they know that they can do something for themselves and their community through education

We have been working for more than 10 years in Las Joyas, a very poor suburban area of the city of León, Guanajuato, in Mexico.

We have a number of programmes that have a big impact on the lives of many people.

See our reports

More than 100,000 people live in Las Joyas, many of them in very precarious conditions.

The area has high levels of violence. It is in constant dispute between drug cartels.

70% of neighbourhoods have no access to water, electricity and drainage.

People have recently come from multiple regions, do not know each other, distrust each other and are not organised.

Roads are scarce and few are paved.

2 hours to get to work, 8 hours in the morning and 2 more hours on the way back. In the meantime, who looks after the children?

We work in four areas:

Impact in our Sorroundings and community work

We are a highly transparent association in the management of our resources, certified by CEMEFI, a prestigious institution that certifies civil associations in Mexico.

At AUGE we work with a team of more than 30 people, with a methodology that produces results.

The voice of Auge's board chairman

 We believe that people can break the conditions that keep them in the outcast condition through education and community development.


Last news

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Many hands are needed. Write us to find your place in our project